
track site search with gtm

When your site does not use the q= query parameter.

Instead you have someting like this then use following config in GTM

Go To Variables

  • create new variable called site search term
  • select regex table as variable type
  • select page path as the input variable
  • click add row
  • for the pattern ^/index/search/(.*) for the output $1 this pattern will store the value of the search in in the variable $1
  • save the variable.

Create a tag

to send search term to analytics

  • select tag config
  • ga4 event as the tag type
  • add measurement id
  • add event name view_search_results

Add event parameter to tag

  • add parameter named search_term
  • for the value select the variable you created earlier
  • now scroll down and select triggering

add the trigger

  • add trigger called search results
  • add page view which fires on some views.
  • select page path
  • select condition to matches regex
  • add ^/index/search/(.*) as the value (or whatever values your search result page uses)

the trigger ensures the event only fires on the search results page

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