
Managing Images in Drupal

Enable media embed modules

  • swap out the default media icon module for the drupal embed media icon module

when you add images to the Text (formatted, long, with summary). you want to have a choice of image sizes for it to display at.

what image size do we need

  • wide
  • square
  • full landscape
  • portrait
  1. enable the built in media modules
  2. create styles /admin/config/media/image-styles
  3. create view modes /admin/structure/display-modes/view
  4. go to /admin/structure/media/manage/image/display/ and set your custom view mode to use your new image style

edit ckeditor

  • edit your ckeditor mode /admin/config/content/formats/
  • choose basic html or whatever editor you enabled
  • scroll down to CKEditor 5 plugin settings and choose media
  • enable user can overide default view settings
  • scroll down to embed media
  • enable the custom image sizes under ` View modes selectable in the ‘Edit media’ dialog `

embed custom image sizes in drupal ckeditor

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