Iterm2 Cheatsheet
A list of some of the more critical keyboard shortcuts. Ive excluded many of the shortcuts that are beyond the basics. Less is more.
Advanced Features
Enable shell intergration
imgcat filename
Displays the image inline.
Shows a directory listing with image thumbnails.
Command-line utility to manipulate iTerm2.
it2attention start|stop|fireworks
Gets your attention.
it2cat filename
Prints a file and renders it natively
Checks if the terminal is iTerm2.
it2copy [filename]
Copies to the pasteboard.
it2dl filename
Downloads the specified file, saving it in your Downloads folder.
it2setcolor …
Changes individual color settings or loads a color preset.
it2setkeylabel …
Changes Touch Bar function key labels.
iTerm2 usage tips
Uploads a file.
Sets the current unicode version.
Change iTerm2 session profile on the fly.
Autocompletion, Autosuggestions and Zsh Syntax highlighting
Using th powerlevel10k theme we can enable autocompletion and suggestion features by adding the following to .zshrc
file. Be sure to enable powershell integration.
plugins=(git zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting)
Search command history
- Enable shell integration from the Iterm2 main menu and use
cmd shift ;
on a mac.
- New Tab
Command + t
- Rename Tab
Command i
- Close Tab or Window
Command + w
- Go to Tab
Command + Number Key
Create New Panes (split window)
- Split Window Vertically
Command + d
- Split Window Horizontally
Command + Shift + d
Switching Panes
- Go to Split Pane by Direction
command [
orcommand ]
- Go to Split Pane by Direction
Command + Option + Arrow Key
Resize panes
- Resize Pane
Ctrl + Command + Arrow
Close pane
While your on the pane
Command + w
Cycle Windows
- Cycle iTerm Windows
Command + backtick
- Move a pane with the mouse
Command + Alt + Shift
and then drag the pane from anywhere
- Fullscreen
Command + Enter
- Maximize a pane
Command + Shift + Enter
Search the Command History
- Search as you type
Ctrl + R
and type the search term; RepeatCtrl + R
to loop through result - Search the last remembered search term
Ctrl + R
twice - End the search at current history entry
Ctrl + Y
- Cancel the search and restore original line
Ctrl + G