
GTM Triggers

Page URL

In Google Tag Manager (GTM), the “Page URL” trigger is used to fire tags based on the URL of the page being viewed.

Click URL

In Google Tag Manager (GTM), the “Click URL” trigger is used to fire tags based on the URL of a clicked link or element.

you can combine page url and click url trigger to only track link clicks on specific page

Click Classes

In Google Tag Manager (GTM), the “Click Classes” trigger is used to fire tags based on the CSS classes of the clicked element.

Click Element

In Google Tag Manager (GTM), the “Click Element” trigger is used to fire tags based on interactions with specific elements on your webpage. This trigger allows for a high level of specificity, enabling you to track clicks on virtually any HTML element. Here’s how to use and set up a Click Element trigger:

Click Text

In Google Tag Manager (GTM), the “Click Text” trigger is used to fire tags based on the text content of the clicked element. This is useful for tracking interactions with elements that have specific text, such as buttons, links, or other clickable elements with identifiable text.

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