
Cloudflare cheatsheet

Share Access

In Cloudflare, you can share account access with another developer by inviting them as a member of your account. Here’s how you can do this: Steps to Share Access:

Log in to Cloudflare:

  • Go to Cloudflare Dashboard and log in with your account credentials.
  • In the left sidebar, click on “Account Home”.
  • Under “Manage Account”, select “Members”.

Invite a Member:

  • Click the “Invite Members” button.
  • Enter the email address of the developer you want to share access with.
  • Assign a role to the member based on the level of access they need:
    • Administrator: Full access to manage account settings, zones, and other members.
    • Developer: Access to specific settings, such as DNS, firewall, and configurations.
    • Billing: Only access to billing and payment-related information.

Send the Invitation:

  • After selecting the role, click “Invite”. The developer will receive an email invitation.

Developer Accepts the Invitation:

  • The invited developer must open the email invitation and accept the invite. They may need to log in to their Cloudflare account or create one if they don’t already have one.


  • Access Levels: Ensure you choose the appropriate role for the developer to prevent unnecessary access to sensitive parts of your account.
  • Revoking Access: You can revoke access at any time by returning to the Members section, selecting the member, and removing them.
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