
How to make a profit on a 5k website

As a business owner it’s important to set the rules of the playing field. If you set the rules in your favour chances are you will come out on top.

Now, 5k is a decent budget for a website. But as a premium web development company offering custom design and development, 5k is an impossible budget. Honestly, it’s impossible to make money from if you are going full custom design and development.

So for 5k, the product needs to be scaled down to something simple and reliable. Furthermore, this article aims to keep the client expectations aligned to the delivery. So there is no confusion or surprises.

A clear productised offering ensures everyone wins in this tidy little business deal.

This article aims to provide a solution for ensuring a 5k website job is profitable for your website development company.

The benefits of our approach

  • Eliminates scope creep
  • Minifies custom design
  • Relies heavily on a prebuilt custom template for speedy development.
  • Alignment of client expectations
  • No premium plugins (eliminate any confusion over licensing)
  • Straight forward templated design (simple branded wireframe)
  • Just implementing simple branding
  • All assets and 3k deposit upfront

The strength of this product is in the alignment of the clients expectations.

Pros and Cons of the 5k website product

This is not a flashy product but it’s reliable, effective and easy to use product.

It ticks some important boxes inregards to site structure, seo and social proof.

There are not a lot of options with this product which adds to the simplicity.

It’s a great professional website solution with minimal options that is probably not going to win any awards. But it do the job.

Build a prototype / demo so client can interact with it and they can see a demo of what they are getting. If need be they can login to backend admin and have a play around with the page builder.

The page builder is Gutenberg. As it’s native with no licensing fees.

Pages and components

Below we are clearly outlining all the pages and components in the delivery. This is what the client needs to sign off on.

  1. Home
    • banner (not sliding as people dont care about sliding homepage banners)
    • Google reviews
    • 3, 4 or 5 boxes with photo or icon to link to services / products page with anchor scroll to section
    • link to about us page.
    • CTA strip (thin)
    • footer
  2. Individual services or product pages. (these are the pages the boxes link to on the homepage)
    • banner
    • text with image x 3
    • benefits icon boxes
    • CTA strip (thin)
  3. About us
    • banner
    • text with image x 3
    • Testimonials
    • contact form
    • Footer
  4. Services / products
    • banner
    • text with image x 3
    • benefits icon boxes
    • related services - links to the other services (good for seo)
    • google reviews
    • cta strip (thin)
    • Footer
  5. Contact
    • contact details
    • google map to physical location
    • form (using contact form7)
      • name
      • email
      • phone
      • comments
  • Contact Details
  • links to all service pages (good for seo)


This is usually the tricky part. However we have a solution for design. Our solution is to

  1. Stick to the layout provided by the default custom theme.
  2. Implement the company branding into the theme.
  3. Add some additional lighter and darker tones to the company colour scheme to make shading on panels easier.
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