Ghostscript Cheatsheet
Combine, manipulate, Merge, convert and Extract PDF files using Ghostscript with these powerful ghostscript commands
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Handpicked cheatsheets and guides
Get into it Plug 'honza/vim-snippets' Or in my new config local M = { "Shougo/neosnippet-snippets", event = "VeryLazy", } return M Install with lazy :Lazy
Compile sass into css with the simplicity of laravel-mix npm init npm install laravel-mix Create webpack file vim webpack.mix.js let mix = require("laravel-mix"); mix.sass("scss/style.scss"...
Dont know who the owner of a Google Tag Manger (GTM) account is? ** Audit User Permissions: ** Check the users listed on the Google Analytics (GA) account. The creator of the Google Tag Manger (GT...
Enable the UI Webform or learn how to use the yaml builder If you cant see the add element stuff then clear the drupal cache
Overview Microcontent is a module Microcontent is the blueprint for reusable content Reference peices of microcontent from paragraphs module When working with microcontent and paragraphs -...
Flexbox Cheatsheet Flex Container display: flex | inline-flex flex-direction: row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse flex-wrap: nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse justify-content: flex-st...
Max width for phones in landscape @media (max-width: 736px) { } simple @media (min-width: 375px) { padding: 0 50px; } Based on: iPhone 6 in portrait & landscape @media only screen and...
Find Files by name find /path/to/search -type f | grep "pattern" Find File containing text string. grep -rl "string" /path find file containing text string in specific file type. grep -r "exa...
Create customer segment with rule email_subscription_status = 'SUBSCRIBED' AND number_of_orders = 0 Create 10% discount code applicable to the customer segment