Essential Web development & Digital Marketing cheatsheets, step by step guides and tutorials, code examples. Simplified.
Every Problem can be traced back to a lack of assets. DynamiteFrog aims to provision those assets for common web development and digital marketing problems
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AI Coding Tools Cheatsheet
Coding apps, games or website with AI feels like a revolution of sorts. Recently coded a slot machine game using a set of AI tools that are quite powerful yet still only scratching the surface. To...
Cloudflare cheatsheet
Share Access In Cloudflare, you can share account access with another developer by inviting them as a member of your account. Here’s how you can do this: Steps to Share Access: Log in to Cloudfla...
Hot Reload Cheatsheet
If your a web developer like me and need to refresh your browser after you make each and every incremental code change, then you and me need all the help we can get. As there is litterally thousand...
LSP Cheatsheet
Add the tailwind language server to Neovim. Tailwindcss Prerequisites node version 22 nvim-cmp (completion engine) Treesitter LSPconfig Mason install global language server npm in...
Daisy UI Cheatsheet
Daisy is built for your easy going Developers. Developers like you and me. We dont care too much about the inner workings, we more care about building something awesome, quickly. Daisy is good lik...
Radix Cheatsheet
Radix is a Drupal theme that even has its own cli. Pretty cool. Radix promotes the use of self contained components. By using the radix cli, you can create your own components to override the radi...
Drupal Cheatsheet
Drupal website install and configuration guide.
Ffmpeg Cheatsheet
Avoid using online services to remove silence from audio files. (they just want to on sell your email address). If you have homebrew installed the process to remove silence from audio files can be ...
PHP Cheatsheet
Ternary operators Basic True / False Declaration $is_admin = ($user['permissions'] == 'admin') ? true : false; Conditional Welcome Message echo 'Welcome '.($user['is_logged_in'] ? $user['first_na...
SEO JSON Schema cheatsheet
Why use SEO Schema on a Webpage Using SEO schema (structured data markup) on a webpage is beneficial because it helps search engines better understand the content of your site. Here’s why it’s imp...